Creative concepts, products or practices that have not been adopted before and that are intended to be useful.
SaaS refers to a software distribution model where a vendor hosts applications and makes them available to customers over the internet.
A good, service, or idea that is perceived by some potential customers as new.
Portfolio Management refers to the centralized management of a group of projects in order to achieve strategic business objectives.
Focusing on positive implications of solving a problem can aid in finding sustainable solutions, while a problem-oriented mindset triggers stress and tunnel vision, leading to ineffective solutions.
Learn about crowdsourcing and how it has become a vital part of generating ideas, problem-solving and product development.
Learn about the benefits of Orange's crowdsourcing platform, Imagine, in capturing fresh ideas and building a community of passionate users for innovation.
Learn how to create cool and creative names for new products using these eight creative thinking questions.
Use this as a collaboration hub for your innovations, where the right people and the right information come together and communicate.