Creative Process: A sequence of thought and action to generate novel and valuable ideas or solutions.
A company’s capacity to adapt to an evolving market through change, innovation, and learning. A firm's ability to integrate, build, and reconfigure internal and external resources to address rapidly changing environments.
Role models are people others look to as examples to draw inspiration, to learn new behaviors, and distinguish right from wrong.
Innovation Policy is a strategic framework that governs the support and regulation of new ideas, products, or methods.
Learn about creative problem solving techniques and methodologies that can help your business evolve and adapt to changes in your industry.
Avoid mental bankruptcy by investing in your creative thinking skills. Here are five tips for entrepreneurs to stay mentally sharp and avoid burnout.
Bob Thacker's presentation at the BMA conference on Unleash Your Creativity provides insights on how challenges can unleash creative possibilities, pushing for big creative opportunities, and incorporating creative "Thackerisms" in team settings.
Learn about the benefits of creative design thinking in problem-solving and innovation, including its five stages and four key principles.
A new objective creativity metric suggests that the percent of time you are told to pull back your creative ideas because they are too big and bold may determine the creativity in an organization.
This article provides four strategies for when creativity seems easy or impossible, and offers ways to push yourself outside of your comfort zone to produce exceptional creative work.
Copywriter and creative director Luke Sullivan emphasizes the importance of cultural tensions in generating creative ideas for advertising.
A blog writer shares their thoughts on a range of innovation-related articles and topics, including ways to boost creativity and thought-provoking ideas.
Creative job titles at the C-level, including Chief Recreation Officer and Chief Meme Officer, are becoming increasingly popular.
Learn about creative problem solving (CPS) methodology and how it can be used to find innovative solutions to challenges and generate new ideas.
Discover the benefits of a creative problem-solving workshop for your organization and learn how to implement the methodology.
InNOvation can yield both great and terrible ideas. Fostering creativity, becoming more open to opportunities and being flexible can lead to unexpected successful outcomes.
Seven lessons for creative success include taking notes, reading all the time, focusing on fixing problems, staying organized, doing things you hate, consulting others, and embracing failure.