The Understated Back-End of the Business Model Canvas.

The Understated Back-End of the Business Model Canvas.

The article discusses the importance of balancing the Business Model Canvas (BMC) in both the cost side and revenue side. While the orientation of the BMC is presently skewed towards the front end, the market-facing part, the article argues that equal creative energy needs to be applied to the back-end, made up of key partners, resources, and activities. The lack of attention on the back-end may be holding the BMC back for larger organizations, as it struggles to gain momentum. The article proposes that existing organization issues such as complex ecosystems, political internal barriers, and legacy may be hindering these organizations from exploring new business models, and the visual tools for the back-end must be developed to address this. Ultimately, the back-end needs to be addressed more effectively in order for the BMC to be fully utilized and not just viewed as a checklist or starting block for startups.