Seeding Startups for Self-Disruption: Stories of Ford, P&G and Audi

Seeding Startups for Self-Disruption: Stories of Ford, P&G and Audi

Internal innovation programs and corporate venture capital investments often don't yield significant results. To successfully innovate, companies are building new ventures close enough to the core business to leverage corporate assets, yet far enough to not be absorbed by existing business models. Innovators from Ford, P&G, and Audi share their experiences and insights for creating successful ventures. Safir Jamal, Head of Strategy and Operations at Ford X, shares his approach of envisioning, building, and validating new mobility ventures with his three gates for success: consumer desirability, economic viability, and operational feasibility. Nicola Büsse, co-founder of MOBIKO, shares the importance of equal partnership, transparency, and entrepreneurial decision making in creating a beneficial partnership between Audi Business Innovation and mantro. Finally, David VanHimbergen, former CEO/Co-founder of Tide Spin, shares his six suggestions for corporate startups that include diversification, a dedicated team, focus, problem first-solution last, discipline, and willingness to make mistakes.