Remote Retrospectives: 11 Tips for Leading Retros Remotely

Remote Retrospectives: 11 Tips for Leading Retros Remotely

Retrospectives are a great tool for teams to reflect, bond, learn, and grow. However, engaging in a healthy, open discussion about what went well, what didn’t, and how to improve next time can be tricky, especially when it’s done remotely. Planview LeanKit's Product Manager, Alex Glabman, shares some tips for leading remote retrospectives, including making sure to have the right people in the virtual room, having a clear objective, using the right facilitator, and using a retrospective tool like Instant Coffee. The tool allows everyone to participate in retrospective conversations in a more engaging way, add cards to represent topics they want to discuss, 'vote' on topics, take notes within the cards, and export them to their LeanKit boards. The article stresses the importance of retrospectives and encourages teams to end meetings with a few ideas on how to do better next time.