Insights From AI-Enabled Tech Foresight Summit 2019

Insights From AI-Enabled Tech Foresight Summit 2019

The AI-enabled Tech Foresight Summit in Berlin gathered over 60 participants, including renowned AI and foresight speakers, startup founders, innovation experts, and heads of foresight departments from companies like Intel, BASF, and SAP. The summit included keynotes on knowledge analytics for technology and innovation with Watson, AI-based patent valuation, insights and analytics at Intel, AI in precision medicine, and leveraging foresight in corporate ecosystems. Speakers from Fraunhofer INT, IPlytics GmbH, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), and Daimler AG shared how AI-driven foresight can provide precise insights and shape decision making, strategic planning, and innovation portfolios. In the end, the early experimentation with AI in foresight is crucial to stay ahead of the competition and lead by a sustainable strategy and innovation function.