4 Steps For Enhancing Environmental Scanning Capabilities
Environmental scanning is an essential part of innovation management that involves systematically collecting and interpreting data to identify new opportunities for growth, potential risks, and informing strategic priorities. It relies on the organization's foresight capabilities to align its strategy with future scenarios and build resilience in an uncertain and competitive landscape. The scanning process includes activities like trend and emerging technology scouting, competitive watch, startup and partner scouting. The information and insights collected must be balanced between tangible scientific, technological, and social data insights and intangible value-driven changes in society. The environmental scanning team consists of scouts, analysts, experts, and foresight managers who work together to optimize the scanning process. Organizations must continuously engage in environmental scanning to adapt quickly and effectively to rapid changes in the business environment. ITONICS Innovation OS can be used to discover, collect, and evaluate emerging trends and technologies in one central location to speed up the scanning process.