The ability of a company to successfully achieve optimal levels of operational effectiveness and efficiency.
A group activity that involves generating a large number of ideas in a short period of time, often using techniques such as freewriting and lateral thinking.
Rapid Prototyping is the process of quickly fabricating a scale model of a physical part by means of computer-aided design (CAD).
Unanticipated outcomes of an action or decision. They differ from a company's intended effects. Good and bad kinds.
Organizations are shifting towards a “default to open” position, where information is restricted on a “need not to know basis”.
The concept of Open Innovation has given rise to Crowd Innovation where companies open up the process to internet users to co-create business innovations.
Social media usage is influencing knowledge sharing behaviours, encouraging collaboration and transparency. Knowledge sharing software needs to incorporate features and practices from social media platforms to facilitate this.
The article discusses when it's best to use an internal crowd versus an external crowd for ideation challenges, including which types of challenges each group works best for and potential issues to watch out for.
Open innovation is a practice that involves sourcing ideas from both internal and external sources, and it has become a vital marketing strategy for many organizations.
Discover and Jam are two distinct ways to do open innovation. Discover is about creating competitive marketplaces, while Jam is about collaborative communities.
Learn how project managers can use the RICE scoring model to prioritize tasks and improve business results.
Location matters in open innovation, but the tradeoff is between the quantity of a virtual network versus the quality of a physical cluster. Clusters can help tap into critical mass of solvers.
Strategic drift is an unintentional deviation from the agreed-upon direction, which can lead to missed opportunities and falling behind competitors. To prevent it, organizations need to continuously communicate a shared strategic vision, empower localized decision making, and promote alignment through OKRs and work visualization.
Idea management systems can be viewed as either drop boxes or water coolers. The latter encourages active engagement and discussion about ideas in a community setting, but it requires a cultural shift and executive commitment to be successful.
Global companies waste billions on innovation due to failure to engage employees, partners, and customers in the innovation management process. Collaborative innovation management systems can lead to involvement, cost savings, efficiency, and new product development.
Open innovation is a collaborative approach that taps into collective intelligence. It can help companies generate unique ideas, but careful management is needed to overcome challenges.
Open innovation has many benefits, but also some common challenges. The strategic, operational, legal, and cultural aspects of open innovation can be hard to manage.
Using BottomUp Innovation approach and IdeaScale community helped Sunshine Coast Credit Union to increase their McKinsey Organizational Health Index score and enhance their organizational culture.
Open innovation is the practice of sourcing ideas from outside of a company as well as from within. It can help companies develop new solutions and access a wider range of knowledge and expertise.
Open innovation is a process for companies to gather ideas from external sources to drive innovation. An open innovation funnel is a key component of this process.
Open innovation platforms can help businesses gather diverse and novel ideas to improve their products, services, and business goals.
Crowdsourcing involves seeking knowledge or services from a large group of people to find innovative ideas. This post explores what crowdsourcing is and the advantages of using it.
Innovation crowdsourcing is a business practice that engages internal and external networks to generate ideas and innovative solutions to solve a problem.
Open innovation 2.0 is a more open version of open innovation, emphasizing diverse collaboration beyond traditional organizational boundaries.
Social innovation management improves business enterprise and supports the development of society. It encourages innovative solutions to tackle social challenges.
Suggestion systems create a communication channel between employees and management, allowing employees to share ideas and suggestions effectively, leading to better productivity, creativity, and collaboration.
Open innovation involves seeking ideas and input from external sources like clients, partner organizations, and academic institutions. It is vital for businesses to stay ahead of the competition, improve diversity of views and experience, gain direct feedback from customers and partners, share knowledge, and spread the word about their business.
The suggestion box might seem obsolete, but it has simply shifted to the digital world and is thriving. This article explains the benefits of the suggestion box and how to make it work in your business.
The world of business is changing, and openness is becoming a critical capability. 100%Open's Give|Get philosophy and Open Organisation Test are helping organisations become more open.
Your team or firm might not be ready for open innovation despite its importance. Organizations have difficulty managing internal innovation and defining innovation, culture and processes.
Open innovation is crucial for companies facing technological change. Fujitsu's ecosystem embraces academia, industry and customers to support open innovation; including the development of the BuddyConnect solution.
Utilizing crowd-led approaches to create value in innovation management requires analysis, planning, and forethought to align processes to gain insights and engage consumers optimally.
Open innovation is crucial for businesses to adapt to the new more porous and externalized environment. To stay competitive, companies need to collect data from sales staff and suppliers to create disruption maps that show how their products can remain relevant.
Collaborative ideation platforms offer businesses practical solutions to generate innovative ideas by utilizing internal teams and customers.
Nonprofits can develop a pilot innovation process that works for volunteers and limited resources by using field testing and crowdsourcing.
Open innovation is revolutionizing the way organizations work; from what to who, discovery to detection and ownership to access. It requires new skills and structures and a shift towards shared knowledge and incentives based on reputation.
Open Innovation can help enterprises create relevant and authentic output, ensuring the delivery of the desired value to customers during product development.
The need for fluidity in organizations to deal with environmental turbulence is increasingly important for innovation. However, balancing stability alongside agility is a complex process.
Learn about the benefits of Orange's crowdsourcing platform, Imagine, in capturing fresh ideas and building a community of passionate users for innovation.
This article discusses the three key models of open innovation and how they can be applied for your organization.
An improvisational theatre concept called 'offers' can help enterprises engage with and respond to changes. Vague or too specific open innovation programs hinder progress while collaboration at intersections leads to productive innovation.
Grass roots practitioners and top minds in the country alike came together at a community development conference hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis to discuss, collaborate, and learn about innovative approaches to community development.
Companies with disengaged employees suffer from lost productivity and profitability. Crowdsourced innovation is an effective way to engage employees and increase their emotional connection with work.
Open innovation intermediaries, like IdeaConnection and InnoCentive, offer a great way for small companies to engage in open innovation, build skills and collaborate with experts.
Innovative teams are important for fostering creativity and finding new solutions. Here are tips for building and sustaining them in your organizational culture, including virtual collaboration strategies.
Save the Children and 100%Open seek partners to join their global movement for good, aiming to invent and test new ways of predicting, avoiding, and responding to displacement.
Open innovation involves corporations and organizations sourcing ideas from external and internal sources. It can be classified into four levels of inclusion and is beneficial for maintaining relevancy and surviving in the market.
Open Innovation describes an emergent model of innovation in which firms draw on research and development that may lie outside their own boundaries.