The process of a system or research that is adopted in a particular field.
The group of people at whom your products or services are aimed.
Investors are the people or companies that spend their money in return for a share in a business.
Cynefin Framework is a decision-making model for understanding complex systems and situations across 5 domains: simple, complicated, complex, chaotic, and disorder.
During the pandemic, a team experimenting with remote work stumbled upon a way to achieve "flow" which led to more joy and sustainable pace in their work.
The concept of innovative entrepreneurship is becoming increasingly popular globally, and there are now several key starting points of new global prosperity-centric revolutions.
Design thinking is a problem-solving process based on user needs, creativity and collaboration. A design thinking certificate program can help individuals enhance their problem-solving skills, increase productivity, and improve processes.
Mobile recruitment strategies are becoming essential for attracting top talent, with 74% of high-potential employees already using their mobiles for job searches.
Philips North America has launched its second innovation fellows competition that awards mentoring and $100,000 cash prizes to would-be entrepreneurs.
This article discusses the five types of innovation, which include product, marketing, service, organizational, and business model innovation, and explains the importance of innovative thinking in businesses.
Job hunting teaches us the value of innovation in getting noticed and landing desirable roles. Innovators stand out, knowledge is power, and in-demand roles are for those who are agile and constantly thinking ahead.
Being a product manager can be tough, but there are ways to make it easier. Here are four tips and one extra to help you perform better in this challenging role.
To sustain innovation in an organization, it is essential to cultivate a creative work culture where innovation is welcomed as part of the work. By encouraging specific behaviors that promote creativity and innovation, a company can affect lasting, positive cultural change.
Creating a personal list of the top 100 individuals who have defined your life can lead to personal reflection and gratitude.
Disruptive innovation is rare among established industry players because they are comfortable with current practices. Incremental innovation is easier and fits within existing frameworks. Companies seeking disruption should consider creating new businesses.
Top executives talk about innovation but often fail to walk the walk. A lack of innovation education, risk aversion, and a focus on short-term gains all contribute to this.
Learn about the Three Horizon framework for innovation and its significance in exploring and expanding different techniques and approaches.
Handling confidential information is a relevant issue for any senior executives. Here are suggestions on how to handle confidential information for your business strategy.
Innovation requires high tolerance for failure. Academic research suggests policies that incentivize employees to take risks and limit negative consequences of failure leads to increased commitment.
Traditional annual planning retreats are not effective in achieving strategic goals. Organizations must break down silos and focus on expanding goals to align with strategic plans.
This article discusses Elon Musk's success as an innovator and his ability to challenge industry orthodoxies.
Microsoft's Zune is a me too player in the MP-3 market, revealing the importance of choosing between being an innovator, a fast follower or a me too player for business strategy.
Jobs-to-be-done (JTBD) is one of the most customer-centric things a company can do, according to an article in Innovation Management.
Self-driving cars might make urban transportation easier, safer, and more inclusive. A brainstorming session using Innovation Cloud led to some possible future applications of this technology.
Healthcare Disrupted captures this pivotal point in time to give executives and senior managers across medical companies an opportunity to step back and consider the changing landscape.
Many product developers wish they could work more like a startup, with small, nimble teams capable of making quick decisions.
Learn what your customers really want. It's about testing your vision continuously, adapting and adjusting.
“Startup success can be engineered by following the process, which means it can be learned, which means it can be taught.” Eric Ries
Describing a business idea with clarity is not an easy task. This provides a simple, yet powerful model for Idea Definition