Are You Building an All-Star Innovation Team?

Are You Building an All-Star Innovation Team?

In today's workplace, high-value work is most often done in teams rather than by individual performers. This means that the way we evaluate, recruit, manage, and train employees needs to change. Effective teamwork requires different skills than individual work, so managers should prioritize recruiting a diverse team with high social sensitivity and a culture of high-quality interactions. Research shows that diverse teams are smarter, more creative, and better at examining facts. High-performing teams are made up of people who have social sensitivity, take turns speaking, and include women. Psychological safety is also crucial, so members can voice their opinions without fear of reprisal. One study found that teams who interacted face-to-face tended to build higher levels of trust and produced more creative work. In summary, the best work is produced by teams that are diverse, build trust, and interact collaboratively.