Innovation Accounting: Measuring and valuing progress in novel initiatives outside traditional financial metrics.
Different Perspectives: Diverse angles and viewpoints that individuals bring to understand and solve problems creatively.
First-Mover Advantage refers to the benefits companies gain by being the first to enter a new market or develop a new product.
An Innovation Roadmap is a strategic plan outlining the steps to evolve ideas into marketable solutions, aligning with business goals.
Innovation platforms should be designed to channel input from the edge of an organization to create original, competitive knowledge about change. The challenge design must be skilled to be disruption and big transformation-ready.
Innovation labs are failing due to a lack of integration, focus on tweaking rather than transforming, internal versus external innovation, focus on PR rather than commercial viability, and a lack of strategy.
Shawn Nason, CEO of MOFI, has acquired Innovation Excellence, the online home of the global innovation community, and plans to expand its global footprint and disruptor influence.
Open innovation has many benefits, but also some common challenges. The strategic, operational, legal, and cultural aspects of open innovation can be hard to manage.
Using BottomUp Innovation approach and IdeaScale community helped Sunshine Coast Credit Union to increase their McKinsey Organizational Health Index score and enhance their organizational culture.
An Innovation Business Developer is crucial to the success of any new product. This person develops new markets and creates a network of contacts to help commercialize and co-build the product.
Open innovation managers are key change agents in multinational companies who typically have a background in R&D or marketing, are of an average age of 43, and remain in their roles for an average of 7 years.
Innovation is vital in the design industry as it leads to unique and feasible products, fulfils user needs, solves problems, increases market opportunities, and promotes sustainability.
Knowledge networks enable collaboration across borders and can address global issues. They provide tools for effective collaboration and knowledge sharing, enhancing decision-making capabilities of participants.
Effective communication is key to the success of an innovation program. There are four stages to consider: Pre-Launch, Launch, Post-Launch, and Challenge-Driven Communications.
Amazon's secret to out-innovating its competition is their "yes mentality" - being open to new ideas and implementing anything that benefits customers and the business.
Learn about innovation accounting and how it can help measure the success and progress of innovation efforts.
Innovation challenges are time-limited idea collection campaigns focused on specific topics that generate fresh ideas from employees or customers.
Corporate innovators often face the challenge of funding innovation projects. Here are some insights on how to allocate resources and manage disruption to ensure success.
Ideanote is an innovation platform that offers a range of solutions for companies. Here are three intriguing projects which include transforming customer experience, breaking down organizational silos, and streamlining innovation management.
Corporate innovation is crucial to succeed in today's market. Several reasons motivate innovative leaders, including their desire to make a lasting impact, build partnerships and bridges, and challenge themselves intellectually.
Social CRM can be a valuable tool for innovation, particularly for gaining insights and co-creating value with customers.
Internal innovations drive 70% of the world's most transformative innovations. However, only a few employees feel their ideas matter. Overcome seven barriers with the IN-OVATE Framework and understand the context to manage environmental factors skillfully.
Grass roots practitioners and top minds in the country alike came together at a community development conference hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis to discuss, collaborate, and learn about innovative approaches to community development.
Invention Machine held a conference in Boston on their innovation software platform, Goldfire, that helps automate innovation tasks and boost performance.
Mikel Mangold, co-leader of the EMEA Innovation Ecosystem Strategy at Lab of NGK SPARK PLUG, shares insights on the importance of networks and innovation ecosystems for corporate innovators in a recently published podcast.
Corporate Explorers are beating startups at their own game by building successful new ventures inside large corporations. They leverage core assets, challenge themselves in ideation and incubation, and build social support for change.
Established companies shouldn't try to act like startups, but rather build internal innovation ecosystems with products at different stages of their lives. The principles for building corporate innovation ecosystems are: Innovation Thesis, Innovation Portfolio, Innovation Framework, Innovation Accounting, and Innovation Practice.
Innovation communities are essential for successful innovation, according to an article in Innovation Excellence blog. They involve interconnected groups of people who can collaborate and share ideas freely. Physical and virtual communities can share information and broaden perspectives, leading to better creativity and idea development.
Innovation is everybody's job but leadership and guidance is still required. An innovation team can facilitate company-wide involvement and provide necessary structure to achieve a balance.
Learn how to launch a successful idea challenge in just 7 easy steps, from aligning with corporate strategy to organizing marketing and communication.
The Longitude Act of 1714 was a breakthrough campaign that changed the course of history, attracting diverse participants and ultimately resulted in John Harrison creating a clock that solved the problem of seafaring navigation.
Knowledge and innovation are inseparable in the success of an organization. Understanding and managing the different types of knowledge - explicit, tacit, market, and technological - are essential to innovation management.
Free copy of the ’60 Leaders on innovation’ e-book - a unique collection of thought leadership and actionable insights on innovation.
This book offers fresh impulses from different industries on how to deal with innovation processes. Authors from different backgrounds share their experiences with enabling and managing innovation.
Measuring Innovation is a major step towards evidencebased innovation policy making. It complements traditional “positioning”type indicators with ones that show how innovation is, or could be, linked to policy.
The definitive history of America’s greatest incubator of innovation