Fahrenheit 212
Fahrenheit 212 - belongs to Capgemini Invent
Over the last 15 years, we’ve helped some of the world's greatest companies create sustainable, profitable growth through innovation. From private equity to Fortune 500, our expertise is both broad and deep, spanning a vast set of sectors, industries, regions, and offerings.
Industry View point:
Unfortunately, this incrementalist approach to corporate growth won’t deliver a positive environmental impact great enough to steer the planet clear of a further 1.5°C in global warming, a threshold which if exceeded is forecast to trigger even more extreme weather, droughts, famines, and geopolitical conflicts.
Which means the arduous task now facing many FTSE 100, DAX 30, CAC40 and Fortune 500 organizations is figuring out how to transition to a cleaner business model. Fahrenheit 212 have formulated five innovation plays to help organizations meaningfully pursue this goal and bridge the gap between purpose and clean growth.
- Growth Strategy
- Innovation Strategy
- Brand Strategy
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