7 Ways to Innovate Like a Farmer For Sustaining Innovation

7 Ways to Innovate Like a Farmer For Sustaining Innovation

Farmers have a long history of innovation and creativity to overcome uncertainty, which makes them good role models for anyone in innovation management. To create a fertile ground for innovation to occur sustainably, learn these seven practical tips. Don't criticize failed projects harshly but encourage people to express their creativity without fear. Don't blame ideas for not growing quickly enough as great ideas require time, development, evaluation, and a long-term horizon. Introduce tools to enhance an idea's life cycle carefully before nurturing it to a great idea. Spend more time plowing the field in search of the right problems to solve instead of identifying the next big thing. Gamification can prompt innovative thinking in fun and sustainable ways. Attempt to weed out naysayers and change resistors to address possible weaknesses in your schemes. Be prepared for good seasons and bad seasons in innovation, which can span different time scales.